Carsten Bormann
2018-03-15 12:22:26 UTC
The chairs have uploaded a draft agenda to
Please have a look and check whether
— your slot request is in there
— the time allocated is appropriate
We’ll need to reduce the time on some items a bit so we have more flextime at the end, so please do look if you can get useful work done in less time as well as in more time…
As usual, please also send the objectives you have for your slot to core-*** so we can include them in the agenda.
Grüße, Carsten
Please have a look and check whether
— your slot request is in there
— the time allocated is appropriate
We’ll need to reduce the time on some items a bit so we have more flextime at the end, so please do look if you can get useful work done in less time as well as in more time…
As usual, please also send the objectives you have for your slot to core-*** so we can include them in the agenda.
Grüße, Carsten