Christian Amsüss
2017-02-01 09:16:33 UTC
Maybe we should move this discussion on-list.
Now CC'd.(Context from the previous thread: What about plain IP addresses? What
if a host has no name? What if a proxy needs to switch schemes inbetween
due to modified transports?)
URL of the server
Well, we need to authenticate the Uri-Path/Uri-Query part, as that may be the essence of the request.But you are right that the authority part of the URL is more volatile
in CoAP than in HTTP, as may be the scheme. So maybe authenticating
the origin (scheme + authority) can be substituted by some data
destination authentication. Is that something we always want to do?
application (ie. the part that trusts OSCOAP with its unprotected
messages), I'm uncertain about what addresses the application would use,
and what that would mean for being part of the linkable web.
To me, using crypto parts (be it the CID or some derivative of the key)
reminds me of the .onion naming scheme (and the troubles it causes).
Would an application that uses OSCOAP really want to substitute linking
to `coap://host.domain/path` with `coap+oscoap://hex-key/path`? (Because
if that's what we're protecting, that's what the application gets as
trustworthy data).
Is there a middle ground, where applications can still use name
resolution and rely on the OSCOAP layer to figure out which keys are
trusted to sign off the given host name?
Is the security association for data destination authentication always
identical to that we use for the authentication in general?
Do you mean situations in which the individual device can vouch for itsidentical to that we use for the authentication in general?
data but is ignorant of its own name, and a device inbetween (like a bus
arbiter) would add a secured name to the data?
Best regards
To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
-- Bene Gesserit axiom
To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
-- Bene Gesserit axiom