[core] 🔔 WGLC draft-ietf-core-links-json
Jaime Jiménez
2017-03-15 14:14:48 UTC
Dear CoRE WG,

We are announcing a one week WGLC for the following draft:

"Representing CoRE Formats in JSON and CBOR"

The document seems in good shape and presents a straightforward translation from Link-format to JSON and CBOR (pure & diagnostic).

For the review process I have prepared the following writeup http://jaimejim.github.io/temp/draft-ietf-core-links-json with comments that I’d like the authors to check, as well as any other comments happening during this week.
Also, it’d be good to know of other reference implementations different than that on Appendix A of this document.

- - Jaime Jiménez
Carsten Bormann
2017-03-15 15:27:13 UTC
Post by Jaime Jiménez
one week WGLC
(Clarification: This is a second WGLC. There was one in July last year; there was a lot of discussion since around resource-directory, data hubs etc., but in the end not too much changed in *this* document. So this should be a quick review to do.)

Grüße, Carsten
