[core] Fwd: M2MSAT (IoT over SATELLITE) back at IETF101 LONDON
Ines Robles
2018-03-16 08:00:10 UTC


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maria Rita Palattella <***@list.lu>
Date: 2018-03-08 12:30 GMT+02:00
Subject: M2MSAT (IoT over SATELLITE) back at IETF101 LONDON
To: Maria Rita Palattella <***@list.lu>

Dear all,

I would like to thank all of you that joined the Info session on M2MSAT at
IETF99 - Prague, and shown an interest in our activities.
For those that may not remember,

*M2MSAT* (https://artes.esa.int/projects/m2msat)is a project, funded by
ESA, aiming to study optimisation of IoT application protocols (CoAP and
MQTT) for communication over a satellite link. IoT networks will be soon
integrated with terrestrial networks in the 5G scenarios, and it is
fundamental to understand which performance can be achieved, and which
adaptation/improvement are needed for the IoT protocols, not originally
designed for communication over satellite.

We have simulated the integrated M2M-Sat system combining different tools:
OpenSAND, Californium CoAP, MQTT Mosquito.
We have been investigating the most suitable configurations, integrating
proxy, and brokers (when and where possible) in the architecture, and
tuning different protocol parameters.

I will be presenting the last outcomes of the M2MSAT project, at *I**ETF101
London*, for 2 hr slot (from *16:30-18:30*) on *Tuesday 20th March *in *Hilton
Meeting Rooms 1-4*.

I will be happy to see many of you there, discuss together and collect your

For those that would like to join remotely, we have set up a webex. Here is
the link:

Meeting number (access code): 977 113 932
Meeting password: Frank_123

Please, feel free to advertise the Info session to anyone that could be
interested in the topic.
For those of you that are chairing a WG, if you consider the topic relevant
for your group, I will appreciate if you can announce the talk on your WG

Thank you.
I look forward to meeting you in London.

Best Regards,
Dr. Maria Rita Palattella

Senior R&T Associate
Department 'Environmental Research and Innovation' (ERIN)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
41, rue du Brill
L-4422 Belvaux, Grand-duchy of Luxembourg
email: ***@list.lu, tel: +352 275 888-5055
