Pascal Urien
2018-03-02 22:11:07 UTC
Dear All

The draft


introduces the idea of Blockchain Transaction Protocol for Constraint Nodes

Anybody interested by this new paradigm ?

The goal of the blockchain transaction protocol for constraint nodes is to
enable the generation of blockchain transactions by constraint nodes,
according to the following principles :
- transactions are triggered by Provisioning-Messages that include the
needed blockchain parameters.
- binary encoded transactions are returned in Transaction-Messages,
which include sensors/actuators data. Constraint nodes, associated with
blockchain addresses, compute the transaction signature.

Best Regards

Pascal Urien
Pascal Urien
2018-03-04 19:20:43 UTC
Hi All

The draft http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-urien-core-blockchain-

proposes to forward sensors/actuators data in blockchain transactions for
authentication, publication and dating purposes

Two messages are nedeed, to be inserted in CoAP payload

1) Provisionning Message, such as

"type": 1,
"nonce": 12,
"gasPrice": 30,
"gasLimit": 80000,
"address": "6BAC1B75185D9051AF740AB909F81C71BBB221A6",
"value": 0

2) Transaction Message, such as

"type": 1,
"F8 74 // RLP List, length= 116 bytes
0C // nonce 1 byte =12 decimal
85 06FC23AC00 // gasPrice = 30 GWei
83 013880 // gasLimit = 80000 gas
// recipient address 20 bytes
94 6BAC1B75185D9051AF740AB909F81C71BBB221A6
80 // Null Ether Value
// Data 15 bytes "Temperature=25C"
8F 54656D70657261747572653D323543
1B // recovery parameter, 1 byte
A0 // r, 32 bytes, ECDSA r paramter
A0 // s, 32 bytes, ECDSA s parameter


Any comment ?

