[core] draft-becker-core-coap-sms-gprs-05
Hannes Tschofenig
2017-01-23 08:16:36 UTC
Hi all,

when I recently stumbled over this document I was unsure about the
status and reached out to the authors. Having worked in the OMA DM group
and witnessed some fuzziness around the description of how CoAP is
carried over SMS I have been wondering whether there is interest to
finalize this work (which has also been mentioned in
at a later stage). As it can be seen from the alternative transport
document, the WebSocket parts have now been covered in the CoAP over
TCP/TLS document.

A feature that has also been raised in the context of SMS is the ability
to wake-up the device using an SMS so that it starts communication over IP.

Is there any interest to finalize this work?

Koojana Kuladinithi
2017-02-28 11:21:29 UTC
Hi Hannes and all,

we have submitted the new version of the above draft.


w.r.t. the current on going discussions, we would also like to get your feedback on the section 8 of URI scheme. Is this the way to do it for devices with telephone numbers?

Post by Hannes Tschofenig
Hi all,
when I recently stumbled over this document I was unsure about the
status and reached out to the authors. Having worked in the OMA DM group
and witnessed some fuzziness around the description of how CoAP is
carried over SMS I have been wondering whether there is interest to
finalize this work (which has also been mentioned in
at a later stage). As it can be seen from the alternative transport
document, the WebSocket parts have now been covered in the CoAP over
TCP/TLS document.
A feature that has also been raised in the context of SMS is the ability
to wake-up the device using an SMS so that it starts communication over IP.
Is there any interest to finalize this work?
core mailing list
Dr.-Ing. Koojana Kuladinithi
Hamburg University of Technology
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room 1.043
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 428 78 35 33

===The answers you seek never come to you when the mind is busy. They come to you when the mind is still===
Carsten Bormann
2017-03-15 10:38:45 UTC
Post by Koojana Kuladinithi
Hi Hannes and all,
we have submitted the new version of the above draft.
w.r.t. the current on going discussions, we would also like to get your feedback on the section 8 of URI scheme. Is this the way to do it for devices with telephone numbers?
At the Chicago meeting, the chairs will ask:

— who has read this document?
— who thinks this is something the WG will work on?

It would be good to get some feedback to these questions from the WG even before the meeting. So, if you have read it, please indicate your level of support. If not, please do have a look if you care about cellular.

Grüße, Carsten
Carsten Bormann
2017-03-15 10:40:50 UTC
(updated subject line)
Post by Koojana Kuladinithi
Hi Hannes and all,
we have submitted the new version of the above draft.
w.r.t. the current on going discussions, we would also like to get your feedback on the section 8 of URI scheme. Is this the way to do it for devices with telephone numbers?
At the Chicago meeting, the chairs will ask:

— who has read this document?
— who thinks this is something the WG will work on?

It would be good to get some feedback to these questions from the WG even before the meeting. So, if you have read it, please indicate your level of support. If not, please do have a look if you care about cellular.

Grüße, Carsten

core mailing list
