[core] Info session on M2MSAT at IETF99 Prague
Ines Robles
2017-07-17 07:33:50 UTC

---------- Message transféré ----------
De : *Maria Rita Palattella* <***@list.lu>
Date : samedi 15 juillet 2017
Objet : Fw: Info session on M2MSAT at IETF99 Prague

I am writing to you because I am organising at IETF99 in Prague a *Info
session about an ongoing project I am leading: M2MSAT* (
The project, funded by ESA, aims to analyse (both via simulations and in a
real test bed), *the performance of IoT application protocols* (*CoAP* and
MQTT) *when communicating over a satellite link*. IoT networks will be soon
integrated with terrestrial networks in the 5G scenarios, and it is
fundamental to design adaptation/improvement of IoT protocols not
originally designed with the satellite network constrains in mind (link
disruption, high packet loss, etc). We are currently running performance
evaluation using simulators (OpenSAND, Californium CoAP, MQTT Mosquito).
And also setting up a testbed, where we we may collect IoT data from
OpenMote nodes, running 6TiSCH.

I believe the project may be of interest for different IETF folk, such
those working on CoAP, IoT, 6TiSCH, LPWAN, 6lo, etc.

It will be great if you can join the meeting, planned for *Monday July,
17th at 6pm*, in *Paris Room (Lobby level, L)* in Hilton Hotel in Prague.
I will appreciate also if you can spread the info among folks that could
find the project of interest, and could provide us some fruitful feedback.
We will also announce the Info session during the 6TiSCH WG meeting planned
for Monday 17/7/2017, in the first afternoon session.

Thank you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
See you in Prague

Best Regards,
Maria Rita Palattella

Senior R&T Associate
Department 'Environmental Research and Innovation' (ERIN)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
41, rue du Brill
L-4422 Belvaux, Grand-duchy of Luxembourg
email: ***@list.lu, tel: +352 275 888-5055
